manhigut international camp
The Manhigut International Camp (MIC) manages to gather in Budapest, year after year, more than 160 youths from Europe, Latin America, North America and Australia in a unique and exemplary leadership seminar.

Continental Machon
Our main event is the Machon Continental, which is carried out in two different modules: Machon Continental Dromi (south) which takes place in January, and Machon Continental Tzfoni (north) which takes place in July. For over sixty-six years, this event has gathered Latin American youths from Hanoar Hatzioni’s family who, during ten days, receive an intense, high-quality educational training, which represents an important milestone within the educational process that is developing in the life of every member of the movement.

The Bogrim Manhigim Seminar (SMB)
Seminario de capacitación educativa para líderes, se lleva a cabo de forma anual y varía la ciudad anfitriona año tras año. Compuesto por dos niveles educativos: HADRACHA (Capacitación sobre modelos de planificación de actividades de educación no formal y e ADN de la tnua) NIHUL (Toma de decisiones y en la administración de las organizaciones y/o movimientos juveniles que son parte de la familia Hanoar Hatzioni)

It is an innovative educational platform for Jews, Zionists, Humanists and Liberals. Which provides professional training for current and future leaders of the Jewish community. The project is aimed youth movements, schools, tnuot, academic institutions and other Jewish Organizations from Latin America and Europe.

majon horef
Summer camp, held every year in South America, with the participation of more than 190 youths from Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Paraguay.

Every decade Hanoar Hatzioni’s family organizes the “Veida Olamit” (World Conference) with the aim of studying, discussing and deciding regarding the postulates, ideals and ideological arguments of the movement.

In parallel to the Veidot Olamiyot, Hanoar Hatzioni conducts Veidot Chinuchiyot (Educational Conferences), which allow us to learn from local experiences and occurrences, discuss the common and specific needs of each Ken, create new methodologies and educational materials, and most importantly, discuss among chaverim regarding this great educational family.
The main objective of the Veida Chinuchit are developing and adapting the methodological and didactic tools that we can create and transmit in this incredible challenge of educating the next generations of leaders.

Beit Scopus Israel is a social and educational framework aimed at all the former madrichim and chaverim of the tnua who live in Israel. Madrichim, students, soldiers and young entrepreneurs find in this project a great family. Beit Scopus offers them educational activities, social gatherings, dinners, training, travels and one weekend a year for the participants to enjoy somewhere in the country.

With the aim of guaranteeing the continuity of our organization in the different Jewish communities of the world, we have created an international commission which we call “Friends of Hanoar Hatzioni”.
During the month of July of every year, “Yom Hanoar Hatzioni Haolami” takes place in Israel. This activity gathers more than 500 youths from our Tnua, coming from all the countries in which Hanoar Hatzioni operates.