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Mato Wexler, Director of Latin America Department

When the Israel Defense Forces, Tzahal, is faced with an extreme conflict situation, it usually calls up reserve soldiers (chayalim in “Miluim”).
Reservists are those who have completed their mandatory military service and for a period of time remain active as civilians, ready to be called for duty, in case the IDF needs them. This massive call of “Miluim” is called “Tzav 8” (order number 8).

Since October 7, 2023, there has been a change in life in Israel. Horror, fear, sadness, amazement and anger took on an unknown dimension, despite being a country in constant conflict and having lived through so many wars.

The massacre that occurred in the villages in southern Israel is, and will be, one of the hardest moments we experienced as a society, as Jewish people and as human beings.

At this terrible time in Israeli society, with thousands of people dead, hundreds kidnapped, kibbutzim shattered, families destroyed, hundreds of thousands of young people and parents in the army ready to give their lives to defend the country, and millions of broken hearts in Israel and the world, we have to act, get involved, make an impact, raise our voice and influence.

This is a “Tzav 8 tnuati”. It is our time to be pioneer youth. This is a call to action. As Jewish, Zionist, and pioneering youth movements (Chalutzim) of the Hanoar Hatzioni Family, we have a duty to act in helping Israel, our national home. This is the time to help more than 60 Chaverim and Chaverot who are serving as soldiers in the IDF defending the country. Now is when we must be there for the families of the southern kibbutzim, including Ein Hashlosha, so that they can rebuild and return to their lives in the community. Lastly, make every effort to bring back those kidnapped by the Hamas terrorist group back home.

This is our “Tzav 8”, it is our time to be Zionist youth, it is our time to be Tnua 360 degrees, and put into practice the values we are proud of.

Today, more than ever, we must be strong and courageous, we must be an example for the generations to come and for the whole world. Today we must raise our voice, doing what for almost 100 years has identified us as a youth movement: the Jewish-Zionist education and the activism to have a strong, democratic and safe national home.

Chaverim and chaverot, for Medinat Israel, for the memory and legacy of all the fallen, for our chayalim and chayalot, for the kibbutzim of the south and for the return of the abductees home,

Chazak Ve Ematz.

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