By: Gabriel Cojuc, Rosh Chinuch Hanoar Hatzioni B’Mexico
“In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.” David Ben Gurion
The independence of Israel represents the culmination of a dream, as Naftali Herz Imber
said: “the hope of two thousand years”. However, on the fifth of Iyar of 5708, instead of
ending the Zionist dream and ideal, it became formidably strong. Our independence
represents being free, both in body and mind. Being independent imparts us responsibility
for our own decisions, but also for the future of our people. Our independence is the key
point in which the beginning of a new stage is determined. It is much more than simple
political recognition; it safeguards our essence. Our independence grants a sense of
belonging. It gives us an opportunity to decide, to continue the legacy of our ancestors.
The independence of the state of Israel, or rather, the Independence of Am Israel, is more
than an ephemeris— it is the result of a struggle for the Jewish identity and life. Medinat
Israel has been, is and will continue being the national home of the Jewish people, which
with less than a century of existence in its current form, has provided shelter and pride to
millions of human beings.
“In Israel, the exemplary national creation was born, serving as a historical, cultural and
religious foundation for our people – the Tanach. Only in Israel the scattered tribes of our
people can be gathered, and only here flourishes and develops our national language, the
Ivrit (the Hebrew language)”. Darkenu, p. 13.
It is our responsibility, as young Zionists who are part of the people of Israel, to keep the
ideal and dream which originated in biblical times alive, understanding that as a country
in the making, Israel’s future is in our hands.
Lamrot Hakol, Am Israel Chai. Chazak Ve’ematz.