Tnua 360

As a Jewish, Zionist, humanist -social liberal- educational youth movement, we aspire to the development of formative processes for our chanichim based on ideological foundations that derive from the essential values of Judaism, the Zionist dream and the universal heritage. We consider the centrality of the State of Israel as the home in which every Jew has the right to be a protagonist and can develop a Jewish life as a norm. We aspire for our chaverim to be active in the process of ensuring the continuity of our people and of strengthening and enriching the Jewish, democratic and pluralistic aspects of our state, as a basis for the formation of an exemplary society.

Through educational processes based on ideological postulates that are supported by the values of the Tnua, Hanoar Hatzioni hopes to achieve:

  • The formation of a Jewish chaver who identifies with his people, his history, his culture and with Israel. The formation of a chaver proud of his Jewish identity, who internalizes the Zionist ideal and chooses to fulfill himself within the framework of the State of Israel.
  • The formation of a chaver who possesses social liberal humanist values and attitudes that are embodied in pluralistic, tolerant and democratic actions, where personal example is an expression of the concept of “chalutz” (pioneer). Therefore, we encourage in the chanich his creativity and skills, his capacity for judgment and criticism, his own thinking and the aspiration to constantly renew himself in the face of the challenges that arise in the present and that will develop in the future.

Annexed Material

Jazak Ve Ematz
Educar en base a nustra dugma ishit
Youth Movement Pedagogy
Informal, formal and non-formal education
Hadraja 24/7, Tnua 360

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