Manhigut International Camp 4
October 6 - 10, 2024
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Who will attend?

Shnat Hajshara
Madrichim and Madrichot from Latinamerica who are part of the program.

Arevim Masa Year of Service
Volunteer program managed by Hanoar Hatzioni Haolami

Representatives of Manhigut youth leaders from all over the world.

Bama Olim B'Israel
Olim and Olot from Hanoar Hatzioni and our sister tnuot

Sister tnuot
Chaverim and chaverot from our sister tnuot from Europe and others.

The Mazkirut Olamit
Our great team of Hanoar Hatzioni Haolami
Follow our social media @mic.famhh
Use our hashtags #mic4 #ChooseToBePart #hanoarhatzionifamily
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