
Hanoar Hatzioni is a movement of Jewish essence. Its members are part of the national conglomerate that constitutes the People of Israel. Based on the legacy of our prophets and sages (Chaza “l), we aspire to educate a person of integrity, who builds a more just society, based on the values of sanctity of life, truth, justice and peace; ethics, honesty and helping others. We aspire to forge a chaver committed to his fellow men, with the strengthening and continuity of the Jewish people.

In this era of globalization of ethical codes and spiritual messages, one of the outstanding dangers to the continuity of the Jewish people is the loss of the individual’s Jewish identity leading to assimilation. Therefore, part of our educational mission is the strengthening of Jewish identity among the movement’s chaverim. Active Jewish awareness is a central motif in the educational work of Hanoar Hatzioni. We believe that the identification of modern man as a Jew is strongly related to his awareness of his role in the historical, sentimental, traditionalist, territorial, cultural and linguistic destiny of our people. Therefore, we are committed as an educational movement to assume responsibility for the destiny of the Jewish people, both from the spiritual point of view as well as its historical continuity.

In order to encourage the development and continuity of our people, we base our education on the expansion of historical knowledge, the creation of a special Jewish atmosphere, the fusion of old and new traditions and the expansion of the use of the Hebrew language. In addition, we operate along two parallel lines: on the one hand, we demand personal responsibility for the preservation of the people, on the basis of the tradition that has guided us for generations: “all Jews are responsible for each other” (“kol Israel arevim ze laze”). On the other hand, we choose the option of realizing Zionism, in which we see expressed the deep identification of the individual with his personal needs and those of his people. It is this action that establishes him as a main actor and active member in the construction of the common destiny of our people.

annexed material​

Our jewish contents
Chaguim BaTnua
Parasha BaTnua
Identidad judía orgullosa
Jidón HaTnua: Décadas de Israel.

Let's keep celebrating!

Join us as we continue to remember our incredible 100-year history and discover the special exhibition
This is just #Hanoar Hatzioni's #First100years



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