Chazak Ve'Ematz

The second decade of our Tnua presented difficult challenges for the Jewish people in general and for the Jewish youth and the members of Hanoar Hatzioni in particular.

Unfortunately, with the coming of Nazism to power in Europe and, later, with the beginning of World War II and the SHOAH in Europe, the madrichim of Hanoar Hatzioni took responsibility for their chanichim (and many times for their families and communities), acting as true heroes. It was these madrichim who with strength of body and courage of heart defied reality itself and gave life and hope to thousands of children and teenagers imprisoned by Nazi hatred.

In this decade, the action of educational and ideological revolution of our chaverim in the face of the Nazi regime can be exemplified through, at least, five aspects of heroic action:

  1. Tnuati heroism in the Ghettos.
  2. Tnuati heroism within the Partisan Movement.
  3. Tnuati heroism and rescue.
  4. Tnuati herosim, Aliya and Hagshama Atzmit.
  5. Youth heroism, new beginnings in a new continent.

annex material

Hanoar Hatzioni in times of the Shoah
Yom Hashoa BaTnua

We are the dreams of our ancestors

Words of Arturo Gorbach, Hanoar Hatzioni Mexico’s chaver at the ceremony in his Masa le Polin, in front of what was a Hanoar Hatzioni Ken in Tikocyn, Poland. In the...

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man s hand in shallow focus and grayscale photography


Sarit Mizrahi Dabbah, chavera of Hanoar Hatzioní, Ken Hagshama, CDMX. “Remember and not forget” is something we have always been told when we commemorate the Shoah. Remember the victims, the...

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black and white wooden pathway between gray concrete walls


MY THOUGHTS AFTER POLAND AND THE CAPACITY OF JUVENILE ORGANIZATION By: Eli Akerman January 1, 1942. Abba Kovner reads a shocking speech at a tnua meeting calling on Jewish youth...

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By: Moshe Kol – Our Sources of Inspiration The number of chaverim of the Hanoar Hatzioni Haclali movement reached fifty thousand before the holocaust. More than forty thousand of them...

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This is just Hanoar Hatzioni's #First100years

Jazak Ve'Ematz

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