Hagshama Atzmit

As a youth movement, the Hanoar Hatzioni opted from the beginning for the path of “Hagshama Atzmit” (self-realization), because every young person should feel empowered to realize his or her personal and national ideals.
During the years of struggle for the attainment of independence and the strengthening of the Yishuv, the “Hagshama Atzmit” was expressed through complete dedication to the needs of our people; the redemption of the desert, settlement and defense. Our chaverim saw in the Kibbutz the ideal means to fulfill these objectives. Moreover, it represented the model of society in which the ideals of the Tnua were crystallized: a society in which justice and equality allowed the individual a broad personal development accompanied by mutual responsibility towards his fellow travelers.
Since our first steps as a movement, the principles of rosh gadol (taking the initiative) and chalutziut (pioneering) have been leading our chaverim to lead naturally, placing themselves at the forefront and taking personal responsibility for the destiny of our people. Today, however, our intention is to educate our chaverim along a path that will enable them to find the right match between personal interests and national needs. We lead along this path, destined to be a path in which individual well-being, quality of life and the pursuit of personal excellence, are at the same time an expression of individual responsibility and commitment to the needs of Am and Medinat Israel. This is for us the Hagshama Atzmit of the 21st century.

For this purpose, our bogrim created the Tnua magshima “Bama”, which expresses this conception in a practical way by incorporating itself into Israeli society and at the same time influencing it to reinforce its Jewish, Zionist, democratic and liberal-social foundations. Social action in Israeli society, expressed in a framework of dialogue, debate and action, is tnuati conduct worthy of appreciation.