Let´s celebrate #TheFirst100 years of history
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We continue educating to achieve our vision
“As a Jewish, Zionist, humanist – social liberal – educational youth movement, we aspire to the development of formative processes for our chanichim based on ideological foundations that derive from the essential values of Judaism, the Zionist dream and the universal heritage. We consider the centrality of the State of Israel as the home in which every Jew has the right to be a protagonist and can develop a Jewish life as a norm. We aspire for our chaverim to be active in the process of ensuring the continuity of our people and of strengthening and enriching the Jewish, democratic and pluralistic aspects of our state, as a basis for the formation of an exemplary society.”
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During the years following World War I, two extremist ideological currents conquered the minds of European youth: fascist nationalism and communist Marxism....

Chazak Ve'Ematz
The second decade of our Tnua presented confronting and overcoming difficult challenges both for the Jewish people in general and for Jewish youth and Hanoar Hatzioni members in particular...

Thanks to the chalutziut of thousands of chaverim and chaverot of Hanoar Hatzioni, our Tnua managed to found 6 kibbutzim in Israel (Nitzanim, Ein Hashlosha, Tel Itzjak, Kfar Glickson, Usha and Hasolelim), 4 educational institutes for young people (Neve Hadassa, Chavat Hanoar Hatzioni, Mossenson and Alonei Itzjak), 24 moshavim and an Institute for the study of the Holocaust (Massuah). The Chalutzian contribution of our Tnua to Israeli society is still relevant and significant today.

In this era of globalization of ethical codes and spiritual messages, one of the outstanding dangers to the continuity of the Jewish people is the loss of the individual’s Jewish identity leading to assimilation. Therefore, part of our educational mission is the strengthening of Jewish identity among the movement’s chaverim. Active Jewish awareness is a central motif in the educational work of Hanoar Hatzioni. We believe that the identification of modern man as a Jew is strongly related to his awareness of his role in the historical, sentimental, traditionalist, territorial, cultural and linguistic destiny of our people. Therefore, we are committed as an educational movement to assume responsibility for the destiny of the Jewish people, both from the spiritual point of view as well as its historical continuity.

For us, Judaism is represented by the variety of national and moral values, beliefs and opinions, conceptions and laws, which nurture those who define themselves as Jews and enable our continuity as a people.....

Hagshma Atzmit
As a youth movement, the Hanoar Hatzioni opted from the beginning for the path of "Hagshama Atzmit" (self-realization), because every young person should feel empowered to realize his or her personal and national ideals.

The existence of Medinat Israel is the best guarantee for the continuity, strengthening and development of the Jewish people. In Israel was born the exemplary national creation that serves as the historical, cultural and religious foundation for our people - the Tanach. Only in Israel is it possible to polish the scattered tribes of our people and only here does our national language, Ivrit (the Hebrew language), flourish and develop. We are witnesses to the existence of different positions with regard to Zionism.

Liberal Humanism
As a liberal humanist youth movement, we celebrate personal freedom, autonomy and the potential of each person to grow, learn and contribute to their environment in a meaningful way. Our faith in human beings, in their ability to train themselves, to correct and improve their path, together with our deep conviction regarding the scale of values of Tnua, are the factors that, in our opinion, give us the right to educate. Based on this fundamental principle, since 7 October...

Dugma Ishit
Madrichim and madrichot are the pillars on which our educational structure is based. It is the personal example of our madrichim, madrichot, bogrim and bogrot that provides the ethical foundation for our work as educators. It follows that every chaver active in the Tnua must be consistent and coherent with its ideological and educational message.

Tnua 360
As a Jewish, Zionist, humanist -social liberal- educational youth movement, we aspire to the development of formative processes for our chanijim based on ideological foundations that derive from the essential values of Judaism, the Zionist dream and the universal heritage.
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